Monday, January 31, 2011

Entertain Your Cat with Cat Tree

If you have multiple cats in your home, you know how difficult it can be to keep the unique feline personalities happy and entertained throughout the day. Each of your pets has different favorite spots, toys and treats. You are probably lucky if they enjoy playing with each other without getting into fights. One solution to keep them occupied is by purchasing cat trees. These allow them to play, jump, scratch and rest. They are available in many shapes and sizes, depending upon your needs and your cats' interests. One tower may do, but if you have several feline friends and room to accommodate it, it can help to have more than one. Set them up side by side so they can jump from one to the next.

If you already own cat trees or perhaps do not have the room for such large pieces, there are other options. You could hang toys from your animal's favorite places. If they enjoy hunting, consider hiding catnip toys around the house for them to go find. If you have pets that enjoy scratching, a scratching post might keep them entertained.

If you can't afford cat trees or toys there are still plenty of other ways to keep your pet entertained. People with limited budgets can still find things around the house to keep their pets entertained. Try leaving out items like boxes and paper towel rolls to see if your pet enjoys them. You might be surprised by how the simplest things can keep a pet occupied for hours. Be careful with items that can become choking hazards. Things like yarn and ribbon might seem like the perfect toys but can often put your pet in danger. It's often a good idea to supervise any initial play with random household items to ensure they won't be a danger to your pet.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Keeping a Cat off Your Furniture

It could be achieved, only if an adequate investment is made in purchasing the required pieces of essential cat furniture, especially modern cat furniture, and not just fancy cat furniture, if they wanted to succeed in keeping a cat off the furniture.

Most feline furniture items come in different designs and colors. The designs and features associated with any piece of furniture are linked to the type of materials used in their manufacture. Please check out the material used in the manufacture of multi-colored and multi-featured items, as in such items, the materials used may not be durable or log lasting.

While looking at litter boxes, the basic flat box (alternative with rim) is the best, if they are to be kept in less human frequented areas. The basic flat cat litter box is a traditional simple rectangular plastic pan. It is the least expensive, comes in a variety of sizes and depths. This style is simple to clean as you do not have to remove the lid or cover to scoop or clean. Many cats prefer this design. This basic design may have an additional feature of a 'rim' that can help hold kitty box liners in place. The liners are secured under the rim of this design.

The most beneficial type of cat accessory is what is now called 'cat box furniture' and because of its design is also being known as 'cat towers and furniture', but whatever they are known or classified as, they definitely go a very long way in helping the frustrated pet owner in keeping a cat off the furniture.

I cannot lay enough emphasis on the importance of cat scratching furniture and cat litter furniture, because without providing your feline friend with these, it would be pointless in trying to wonder how to keep a cat from scratching furniture.

Purchasing cat litter box furniture and cat tree furniture becomes absolutely necessary for the general wellbeing and happiness of your kittens. Many cat owners and professed cat lovers fail to do this, yet they go to extreme lengths and at time considerable expense, trying to find out how to make a cat stop scratching furniture.

You can purchase a durable, yet cheap priced cat furniture tree from any discount cat furniture store, whether it be a land store located in your local shopping mall, or a trusted online pet store.

In my experience I find that cat owners could be classified into three categories, when it comes to the purchasing of accessories for their kittens.

The first category is the ones who religiously stick to providing their feline wards with the basics and the essentials.

The second category are those who spend huge amounts in purchasing outdoor cat furniture and go out of their way to order custom cat furniture and stylish cat condo furniture.

The third category are those that spend a lot of time shopping around for clearance cat furniture, or just to purchase rustic cat furniture or find discount cat furniture free shipping, not because their cats need it, but because they can get it cheap.

While shopping online with the help of search engines, it is very easy to spot the good online pet store from the listing that appears in search engine result pages. Look out for something similar to this in the top line of the listing for the website 'cat furniture cat toys cat trees cat supplies cat'.

A listing like this is only made by websites who have a huge variety on offer, and you can be confident that they will also have a great deal of cat friendly furniture, stackable cat furniture, cat tower tree furniture and easy to climb older cat furniture, and by browsing the pages of those websites you will also find helpful tips and articles on how to stop cat from scratching furniture which should help you stop cat furniture scratching.