Monday, January 31, 2011

Entertain Your Cat with Cat Tree

If you have multiple cats in your home, you know how difficult it can be to keep the unique feline personalities happy and entertained throughout the day. Each of your pets has different favorite spots, toys and treats. You are probably lucky if they enjoy playing with each other without getting into fights. One solution to keep them occupied is by purchasing cat trees. These allow them to play, jump, scratch and rest. They are available in many shapes and sizes, depending upon your needs and your cats' interests. One tower may do, but if you have several feline friends and room to accommodate it, it can help to have more than one. Set them up side by side so they can jump from one to the next.

If you already own cat trees or perhaps do not have the room for such large pieces, there are other options. You could hang toys from your animal's favorite places. If they enjoy hunting, consider hiding catnip toys around the house for them to go find. If you have pets that enjoy scratching, a scratching post might keep them entertained.

If you can't afford cat trees or toys there are still plenty of other ways to keep your pet entertained. People with limited budgets can still find things around the house to keep their pets entertained. Try leaving out items like boxes and paper towel rolls to see if your pet enjoys them. You might be surprised by how the simplest things can keep a pet occupied for hours. Be careful with items that can become choking hazards. Things like yarn and ribbon might seem like the perfect toys but can often put your pet in danger. It's often a good idea to supervise any initial play with random household items to ensure they won't be a danger to your pet.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Keeping a Cat off Your Furniture

It could be achieved, only if an adequate investment is made in purchasing the required pieces of essential cat furniture, especially modern cat furniture, and not just fancy cat furniture, if they wanted to succeed in keeping a cat off the furniture.

Most feline furniture items come in different designs and colors. The designs and features associated with any piece of furniture are linked to the type of materials used in their manufacture. Please check out the material used in the manufacture of multi-colored and multi-featured items, as in such items, the materials used may not be durable or log lasting.

While looking at litter boxes, the basic flat box (alternative with rim) is the best, if they are to be kept in less human frequented areas. The basic flat cat litter box is a traditional simple rectangular plastic pan. It is the least expensive, comes in a variety of sizes and depths. This style is simple to clean as you do not have to remove the lid or cover to scoop or clean. Many cats prefer this design. This basic design may have an additional feature of a 'rim' that can help hold kitty box liners in place. The liners are secured under the rim of this design.

The most beneficial type of cat accessory is what is now called 'cat box furniture' and because of its design is also being known as 'cat towers and furniture', but whatever they are known or classified as, they definitely go a very long way in helping the frustrated pet owner in keeping a cat off the furniture.

I cannot lay enough emphasis on the importance of cat scratching furniture and cat litter furniture, because without providing your feline friend with these, it would be pointless in trying to wonder how to keep a cat from scratching furniture.

Purchasing cat litter box furniture and cat tree furniture becomes absolutely necessary for the general wellbeing and happiness of your kittens. Many cat owners and professed cat lovers fail to do this, yet they go to extreme lengths and at time considerable expense, trying to find out how to make a cat stop scratching furniture.

You can purchase a durable, yet cheap priced cat furniture tree from any discount cat furniture store, whether it be a land store located in your local shopping mall, or a trusted online pet store.

In my experience I find that cat owners could be classified into three categories, when it comes to the purchasing of accessories for their kittens.

The first category is the ones who religiously stick to providing their feline wards with the basics and the essentials.

The second category are those who spend huge amounts in purchasing outdoor cat furniture and go out of their way to order custom cat furniture and stylish cat condo furniture.

The third category are those that spend a lot of time shopping around for clearance cat furniture, or just to purchase rustic cat furniture or find discount cat furniture free shipping, not because their cats need it, but because they can get it cheap.

While shopping online with the help of search engines, it is very easy to spot the good online pet store from the listing that appears in search engine result pages. Look out for something similar to this in the top line of the listing for the website 'cat furniture cat toys cat trees cat supplies cat'.

A listing like this is only made by websites who have a huge variety on offer, and you can be confident that they will also have a great deal of cat friendly furniture, stackable cat furniture, cat tower tree furniture and easy to climb older cat furniture, and by browsing the pages of those websites you will also find helpful tips and articles on how to stop cat from scratching furniture which should help you stop cat furniture scratching.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

The Benefits of Cats Training

When you bring home your new kitten you are excited and proud that you now have a pet in your home. However, you can be challenged as your kitten grows into an adult cat. This is where cat training to make your life easier comes into play. If you do not train your cat, you will notice over time that it will begin to own your home.

Cat owners need to begin to train their kittens as soon as you bring them home. The earlier you begin to train your pet the better it will be for your household. This article will provide some tips to make your life easier in the following ways:
  • Reduce your fear of cat preying on other pets
  • Increase your pleasure by showing off your pets tricks
  • Remove need to get rid of your houseplants
  • Prevent scratches on your lovely furniture
  • Prevent embarrassment of smelly carpet from pet urination
  • Increase petting pleasure

Reduce Your Fear of Cat Preying on Other Pets
Generally speaking, all cats have natural instincts for prey such as birds, small rodents, or small dogs. If you have some of these pets in your home and your cat seeks to prey or brother them, you can do something about it.

Here is how you can begin.
  • Teach your cat to stay out of the room where these pets are by using commands or rules. Modify the room arrangement to keep pets apart
  • Use a baby gate to separate cat and dog
  • Do not place conflicting pets food and water next to each other
  • Spray cold water on her face when you notice your cat is taking action to prey. Cold water is unpleasant and will help her to shape up.

Increase Your Pleasure By Showing Off Your Pet's Tricks
Every cat owner wants to think their pet is the most intelligent and find pleasure is showing off what their cat can do.

Here is how to begin.
  • Set aside a lot of time for training.
  • Be patient. Learning doesn't happen over night.
  • Set up a training schedule. Consistency is important.
  • Have your cat's favorite treat handy to reward progress. Use soft moist cat food or dry food as a treat. Training treats should not be more than 10% of your pet's total diet for the day.
  • Start with one on trick at a time until your pet has mastered it. When your cat has mastered one, go on to the next. As you are teaching your cat new commands, be sure to work at her speed. Each cat is different.

Remove Need to Get Rid of Your Houseplants
Dirt is a natural material for your cat to use when she does her duty. How can you stop this? Here are some tips you can do so that you do not have to get rid of your household plants.
  • Provide a clean litter box. Cats don't like a dirty litter box.
  • Re-pot the plant urinated in. Your cat will smell where she did her duty before and return to use the same plant again.
  • Put some type of pet repellant on the plant. Such repellant is available in a pet store.

Prevent Scratches On Your Lovely Furniture
Cats by nature have a natural instinct to scratch. This natural behavior allows them to clean, sharpen claws, and establish turf by leaving a scent and mark. They like to scratch because it is good for their back and shoulder muscles. You cannot prevent your cat from scratching. The trick is to have your cat scratch where you want her too. To prevent your pet from scratching your furniture consider the following:

  • Have your pet's claws trimmed. Cats can become tolerant of getting their nails trimmed on a regular basis, especially if you are careful, gentle and reward her after each trimming session with a treat and verbal praise. If you do not like the job, have the veterinarian do it.
  • Provide your pet with a scratching post or pad.
  • As a last resort, you can remove your cat's claws.

Prevent Embarrassment of Smelly Carpet From Pet Urination
Decrease Need to Listen To a Cats Meow
Cats will do whatever it takes to get attention. This will include meowing, purring or running around in circles. Sometimes cats will use these tactics to manipulate their owner.

Generally, when your cat meows she is expressing affection. Female cats use it to call their young. Male cats use it when approaching a female in heat. And, some cats use it to call their masters when they are lonely. If your cat should meow, he/she just may want some companionship. Give it to them.

By following just some of the above tips, your life with your cat should be easier and more enjoyable. Remember, training your cat must start when she is a new kitten.

Happy Cat Training!
Every now and then, your cat will have an accident. So how are you going to get rid of the stain and odor? There are many ways to remove the stain; however, here is a quick, easy and inexpensive one you can use.

Pour a straight solution of white vinegar onto the soiled areas, saturating the carpet enough to go through to the padding. Allow it to dry. Clean the carpet with a mixture of a carpet cleaner with enzymes and pour in some baking soda and a very small amount of bleach. This should remove the stain and odor.

Increasing Petting Pleasure
When a new kitten is around the house and you have children, the first instinct of the child is to pet the cat. As an owner of a cat, it us embarrassing and disappointing when children want to pet your cat and it bites or hisses at them. Here is the process of how you can increase everyone's cat petting pleasure.
  • First, let the cat sniff the person wanting to pet her. Ask the individual to extend a hand or finder allowing the cat a chance to touch its nose to the individual's hand or fingers. If your cat shows no interest, ask the individual to try again later. However, if the cat should sniff the individual's hand or finger and rub its chin or the side of its head against it, your cat is open to the one petting it.
  • Next, have the individual pet the cat's head lightly with their fingers. Have them focus on the area behind its ears. When petting, go from front to back.
  • Third, ask the individual to run the palm of their hand smoothly from the neck and along the back, all the way until the tail is reached. Have the individual apply gentle pressure and make a continuous slow motion. Ask them not to touch your cat's tail and to not change petting direction.
  • Lastly, ask the individual to stay away from the tummy. When cats are relaxed they roll over on their back. This is not an invitation from your cat to start rubbing its tummy. Most cats do not like this, however if they do, they will be ready to play vigorously and your cat may bite or scratch.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Pregnant Women, Cats, and Baby

Have you ever heard of the fact that pregnant women should stay away from cats? Well, maybe not the cat itself, but definitely the cat litter. Have you ever wondered why all the health professionals give this advice? There is a good a reason. You see your cat or cats if you have more than one carries around a parasite.

If you do some digging around, the statistics will reveal that about sixty million people in America are carrying around this single celled parasite right now and will continue to do so. This parasite can cause a bunch of health problems not only in you, but in your unborn baby to. In adults and young children that have a good and healthy immune system, this parasite that can cause toxoplasmosis will present no danger. A healthy immune system will keep it from doing any damage.

Pregnant women and their baby are at risk. That is why a pregnant woman is told not to clean out the cats litter box and try to stay away from cats. These one celled things live in the cat feces. If you actually get this thing while pregnant it can do harm to your baby. Your baby may be born retarded, blind, have epilepsy, brain problems and more.

If you are pregnant and like to work outside in the garden, wear gloves. Gloves will add protection from you picking up this nasty little parasite the causes toxoplasmosis. You see, cats often use gardens as a toilet since the soil is loose. If you go digging around in your garden while with child, you just may find a bit of cat feces buried in there. Give yourself and your baby that extra protection by wearing gloves.

You can also get this little bug from meat. When handling meat make sure to wash your hands thoroughly. Also be sure to cook your steak or whatever it may be all the way through. This will ensure that anything that is living in there will be killed. It is just not worth taking any chances with the life of your new baby.

Remember to have someone else clean up after your kitty. Cook your meats all the way through. Wear gloves when working outside in your garden. This will go a long way to help prevent you from contracting toxoplasmosis.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Games for Your Cat

Cat games provide your cat with the much needed exercise plus this is an effective way to bond and build trust with your furry pet. Aside from that this activity stimulates the mind of cats and your mind as well.

Care and attention given to dogs and cats differ. You can walk your dogs, or ask one to get your slipper or the morning paper and this can serve as exercise depending on dog breed. These you don't do to your cat, hence cat games.

Cats stay most of the time indoors and eat and sleep all day long. Cat games will help control their weight and also develop muscle tone, agility, and stamina.

Kittens are playful and they love to stalk, pounce, and wrestle. As a furry pet owner, you have the responsibility of supporting their playfulness by setting aside time to play with them.

Here is a list of five highly amusing cat games that you or your children can play with your cat for those rainy days and days when you simply can't find anything to do.

  1. If your room is dim use a flashlight or better yet a laser pointer to flash a narrow beam of light on your furniture, walls, and floors. It would surely amuse you to see your cat chasing the light across the room and over furniture. Be sure that you hide the source of light in your hand pretty well. They are smart creatures, once they find out what you're doing they'll get pretty bored.
  2. It doesn't matter if you're doing all the hiding all the time, playing hide and seek with your cat is still fun both for your feline pet and you. To do this, bait your cat with something that he really loves i.e. their favorite food, next get your cat's attention, then try to hide.
  3. Watch what happens when you crumple a piece of paper and roll it across the floor. Cats really love this game and will sometimes bring back the crumpled ball to you.
  4. Get a piece string and attach any cat toy such as a fake mice, to it then move it across the floor until you get your cat's attention. Once this happens, you can run around the house pulling that string with you.
  5. Once in a while allow your cat to 'catch' the fake mice to keep it from becoming bored. See your cat have a good time and hear yourself panting, this is good exercise for you both.
  6. If you let your cats sleep with you, hide your fingers under the blanket and wiggle it. It would certainly be amusing to watch your furry pet try to pounce on what's under the blanket.

You can think out of the box and invent other games what's important is that you vary the cat games that you do because cats get bored very easily. To determine whether your furry friend is having fun look at their eyes, if they are dilated then they are happy.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Bengal Kittens Profile and Information

Bengal Kittens are cute little mini assassins just waiting to steal your heart away, and you can't help but just love them the minute you meet them. They are loads of fun to watch bounce around the house, but there are a few things one should know before going out and buying one. This is a unique breed, with its own pros and cons, and you will want to make sure it is right for you before taking the purchasing step.

A Bengal cat stirs up the imagination, taking your mind to warm steamy places and giving you the feeling that you are not the apex of the food chain after all. A Bengal kitten gains this quality very young in life and just looking into those vivid green or gold eyes that Bengal kittens posses will give you the feeling I am talking about. When you are looking at Bengal kittens for sale, think about the wildness of the breed and consider whether you really feel like having that whirling dervish lay waste to your house the way that it surly will.

If you are fortunate enough to have two kittens at once, count yourself lucky if they take their fury out on each other. Or else they may team up and ensure that you never sleep again. Perhaps this is why too many of these proud animals end up in Bengal rescue, if you are considering one for a pet that will never breed or show, consider this option as well. Nothing will keep a "secondhand" friend from being in any way inferior to a brand new kitten, my second hand cat thanks me daily by destroying any vermin she could find that day around the house, even the little bugs. Consider adoption, purchase is not your only choice for a pet.

Remember, training Bengal kittens is rough work, and more than once you are going to want to squash the little pest under a large book for shredding your curtains or refusing to use its litter box. Resist the urge and you will be forever blessed with a powerful and gentle companion that will be a miniature force of nature with which you will gladly share your home.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Good Quality Cat Furniture

Having a cat means you are facing a lot of situations too. Most of the times people face several health situations of their beloved pets and sometimes they are worried of their furniture being ruined be the claws of their kitty. So, if you want to keep your home or other living place's furniture safe from the claws of your kitty then try to provide her own furniture items. Fortunately, there is a huge diversity of cat supplies in the market and it not as hard to find such products.

The second question arises is buying of such type of cat supplies. Most f the cat owners are found confused on buying of such products only because of the wide range of such supplies. So, to give you people a proper idea regarding buying of such items I felt an urge to write a guideline for all you people out there. Below, some useful guidelines are given that can help you easily to buy such products at affordable rates.

Weight of your Pet:
Before buying good quality furniture for your cat try figure out her weight and then buy the supplies according to her weight, size and length. Remember, the reason you are going to buy her a set of supplies is to make her feel comfortable with these products. Furniture items are available in different sizes and weights to fulfill the needs and requirements of a cat.

Suitable Style:
These products are also available in different styles and designs along with alluring colors that attract the attention of your cat very easily.

Quality of the Product:
Animals are also allergic of different as human beings are. So, before buying such type of products, make sure that your cat is willing to play or stay in the furniture you are going to buy her or not.
Below, some vital links are given on cat furniture for your better guidance and assistance. Do follow them to avoid any displeasure and discomfort regarding your beloved kitty.