Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Feed Your Cats with Natural Cats Food

All natural cat food, in essence, can only refer to the diet cats evolved on. This concept is essential to grasp, because it is the only way to ensure your cat remains healthy. Nothing that is man-made comes even close to the bounties of nature, despite exaggerated claims and pretty pictures.

If you understand that cats have evolved over many millions of years, whereas man-made cat food has only been around for several decades. The logical conclusion is to recognize that the diet of a wild cat must be the healthiest choice for your domestic cat.

And it is. Holistic veterinarians around the world have discovered that when the owners of domestic cats can be persuaded to feed their cat a quality raw meat and bones diet, chronic disease just melts away, with no other form of treatment, really serious chronic disease such as infertility, diabetes and feline leukemia.

The pretty packets of commercial cat food entice you to believe exaggerated claims by leading you to make conclusions from empty words. 'Scientifically proved' doesn't actually mean anything. What does 'complete' mean?

But they leave you feeling secure that the manufacturers are taking care of all your concerns.

Don't be misled. The manufacturers are taking very good care of their profit margin, but most doesn’t care too hoot for the health of your cat.

The only way that you can be absolutely sure your cat is getting a healthy diet is to learn a few basic essentials and make it yourself from scratch.

This can sound alarmingly expensive and time consuming. In fact it is neither. Quality all natural cat food may be more expensive pound for pound, but as the quality of the food is more nutritious, less is needed. Add to that the much improved health of your cat, and think of all the health care costs you save over the life of your cat.

Learning to make your own cat food will be more time consuming until you have grasped the idea. It's always our heads that needs the time to make changes. However, once you have done it a few times, you just keep repeating the same process.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Choose the Suitable Toys for Cats

The choice of toys available for your cat these days is vast, and is a booming market. We all want to treat our kitties from time to time, but is it really worth spending so much money? Cats can be compared to children, in that they go through phases and get bored easily. There are a few suggestions here for appropriate toys that won't cost the earth.

Cat towers are both fun and educational. It teaches them that that is where they are allowed to climb, which means a lot less wear and tear on your curtains and blinds. These come in various heights from a couple of stories up to the height of the ceiling.

A stuffed mouse is a perennial favorite and it's easy to see why. They can throw them, chew them and bash them around to their heart's content. There are various kinds of stuffed mice and by process of elimination you will find your cat's favorite.

Toys containing catnip are also very popular. Although the presence of the cat nip can get your kitty in very high spirits, they will tire quicker. Giving them it to play with before bedtime will keep them asleep at the same time as you. You shouldn't give them the catnip toys regularly, as they can develop a kind of addiction which makes them badly behaved and bad tempered. Once in a while is safe, but certainly not every day.

Old stuffed toys that your kids have grown out of are great for cats and cost you nothing. The fun is where they are battling a toy much bigger than them and the entertainment value is priceless. Have these toys at your disposal and you will have a very happy cat.

Monday, March 29, 2010

How to Make Your Cats Stay Healthy

Owning a cat and treating it as a pet requires more than including your furry friend on your monthly budget. You have to be an instant parent once you become involved. You have to know their basic needs and all there is is to understand about cat health care.

First, in order for your feline companion to be happy and contented, you need to provide them a home. Yes, it can be left to wander about your own house and treat it like their kingdom. But, you have to make sure that the surrounding is safe. Do not hang things that would cause injury and further mishaps to your cats.

Second, make sure that your cat gets the necessary nutrition that it needs. To do so, you have to give them only the best kind of cat food. The best will not necessarily mean expensive. You can ask your vet for recommendations given the amount that you can allot for this purpose.

Next, think about your cat health care. This is so vital because if you were caught unaware of a sudden incident, you may easily lose your beloved pet just because you didn't know what to do.

So know your cat. Observe it well. Know their usual interests, the way they eat, they way they interact with the other pets and also the people in your house. If you feel that something seems to be out of place, then call your vet immediately for advice.

Find the best veterinarian He or she should be near your place. Get their contact information immediately. They are your lifeline whenever your cat's life seems to be in danger and so don't just pick anyone else.
Also, always remember that you will be the first judge if something seems to be wrong with your cats. Here are some indications.

First, these creatures are known to be vain. They are always grooming themselves. If they are grooming too much on one side, they might be bugged by something like, yes, bug or fleas. The process may hurt them. So interrupt and act upon it. Also beware if they are no longer cleaning up on their own. It may be a sign of depression. You also have to consult the vet about it if this happens.

Second, if you know your cat very well, you will easily see if there are any changes to their eating habits. Don't let them go through the day without eating too much. This may be a symptom to something else. So this is also a good time to call on your vet.

Next, if your cat is friendly and it all of a sudden becomes aloof, you need to raise the alarm level. This also goes with the way your cat walks. If it seems to be doing this thing just a bit too odd, it may be something to be concerned about.

As the owner, you need to be very cautious with everything that your cat does. You have to take note of their bowel elimination. Just like humans, they may sometimes suffer from diarrhea or the likes.

Although calling the vet is always the best choice for you to do, you can also search the web for quick solutions to minor problems. The Internet offers a vast resource for your every cat health care question. So take time to read some info and apply it on your own pets.

The life of your cat already is in your hands now. So better know this stuff to enjoy his or her company longer.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Tips to Stop a Cat Scratching

Does your cat have a nasty habit of scratching your best furniture? Unfortunately, all cats scratch and it is impossible to stop them completely. However, it is possible to redirect their 'scratching attentions' to a more appropriate object.

It is a good idea for all cat owners to realize that scratching is a big part of what makes a cat a cat. The behavior is driven by natural instinct and is used to stretch the muscles and rid the claws of dead and shed layers. Importantly for the cat, it is also a way to mark his, or her territory, because scratching secretes a scent that is discernible to other cats.

Subsequently, you cannot expect a cat to simply stop scratching. However, what you can do is stop the scratching of Granny's antique table or your brand new chair.
  1. The first step is to supply your cat with a more appropriate focus for its scratching energies. So, go out and buy a scratching post or scratching box. If your cat's favorite activity is scratching the rug, then a scratching box is a good alternative. On the other hand, if he, or she, likes to stretch up to scratch, then a post is the best option. Of course, if your cat enjoys a multitude of scratching positions, then a post and a box may be necessary.
  2. Because almost all cats go crazy for catnip, it is a good idea to rub or spray some catnip onto the new scratching toys. This in itself may attract your cat away from the furniture. However, do not be surprised if it is not. Cats are creatures of habit and it may take some patience to modify your kitty's behavior.
  3. You will need to spend some time with your cat, because your cat is unlikely to train itself. Watch your cat closely and when he, or she, begins to scratch at your furniture distract him, or her, with a loud noise, such as a short firm "no". You may find that this is sufficient to stop your cat, but, if not, try giving him, or her, a very brief squirt of water with a plant sprayer.
  4. Once you have got your cat's attention, try to tempt him, or her, over to the scratching post or box with a tasty treat. Never pick up your cat and remove it, because this could cause him, or her, to fear you or the scratching toys. Instead, gently coax him, or her.
  5. As the cat approaches the box or post, place the treat down next to it and take a couple of steps back. Allow the cat to associate the smell of catnip and the tasty treat with the new toy.
  6. Hopefully, at this point your cat will be tempted to give the scratching post or box a good scratch. When he, or she, begins to do this, offer another treat and give lots of verbal praise and affection. The cat will soon associate scratching on the post or box with very pleasant things, which will encourage him, or her, to use it more often.
  7. When your cat begins to use the post or box through habit, it is a good idea to reinforce the praise frequently and perhaps offer a treat from time to time. Obviously, it is important not to overdo the treats, but an infrequent reinforcement will ensure that your cat does not leave the post in favor of your furniture.
Naturally, all cats will react differently to training. However, these tips should prove successfully if you have the time and patience to retrain your cat's behavior.